Thursday, November 23, 2006 |
Meeeeeeeeee |
Oh! Moi! Hmm...How do I define thee? I guess I'm your average mild mannered regular hellgod...hehe... Just a person trying live life with the most that I have and make the most of it as well. A soul who wants to prove himself and let others see the otherside of me, like the mystery of dark side of the moon, always there waiting for someone to gaze up and find it.However, I do pack a verbal wallop every now and then. I love listening to people and sharing my stories too, though it may seem like I crave attention by doing so. But, the truth is I just want people to hear enough just in case I might strike a glimmer of inspiration or a sliver of advice with what I say with the verbiage I deliver that I impart on my oh so fabulous rant. Seriously, I love peace and serenity, a lazy day on a hammock, a dazzling sunset by the seaside or tea at the porch. Easy to please, expects less and very amiable.
The flambouyant me, Hmmm.... I'm tall, like everyone else can't notice that. I guess I stand out from the usual crowd, not your typical person, I hate being stereotyped or any inkling that leans toward mediocrity. I can be a motor mouth at times or the silent brooding type, or the adventurous funny me, and/ or the spellcaster that I am. I'm also deep and caring if you get to know me longer or if you get to decide to delve deeper. I'm sooooooper patient. However, if there is a way that I could get what I desire and not wait, then I'll take that, just being practical. Usually it would appear I'm nonchalant on certain topics or situations, but that's just me. I'd want to retain an air of mystique, but then again, when you get to win my trust, you can read me like a Sunday's crossword. But most of alI like having new friends. I'm dependable, funny, well most of the time. I absolutely adore listening to music or strolling or better yet reading or almost anything. I cook pasta, bake cakes and toss salads for my friends. I love collecting stuff (toys, comic books, TV series DVD's & badges). Sounds geekish, well DUH! I mean there's more to me than meets the eye and I won't change because someone says so, this is me and I won't falter. As the old adage goes, "Its better to be hated for who you are then loved for what you are not."
posted by LOUIE @ 8:01 PM   |
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Home: Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines
About Me: Oh! Moi! Hmm...How do I define thee? I guess I'm your average mild mannered regular hell-god hehe. Just a person trying live life with the most that I have and make the most of it as well. A soul who wants to proove himself and let others see the otherside of me, like the mystery of dark side of the moon, always there waiting for someone to gaze up and find it.However, I do pack a verbal wallop every now and then. I love listening to people and sharing my stories too, though it may look like I crave attention by doing so. But, the truth is I just want people to hear enough just in case I might strike a glimmer of inspiration or a sliver of advice with what I meant to impart on my oh so fabulous rant. Seriously, I love peace and serenity, a lazy day on a hammock, a dazzling sunset by the seaside or tea at the porch. Easy to please, expects less and very amiable.
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