My thoughts and feelings at random points in my life, as colorful and scattered as I am... As crazy and as simple as you can see...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
When it rains it floods
Funny the title is, not really. Supposedly when it rains it pours, yes it does but sometimes it leaves more, flood waters that you are forced to wallow in.
I'm in the middle of a tremendous change. Work, then a little tampuhan sa bahay kahapon, things that I can usually handle. However, this one will leave a mark, this one will leave flood waters that will take forever to empty.
I will miss you my dear Kirbie, my faithful pal, my baby and my pet. Unfortunately, I lost the life of my beloved miniature schnauzer around midnight. Totally unprepared for it, totally surreal. We never made it to Makati Dog and Cat Hospital at Rockwell, he had a seizure just when we got off the cab and that was his last breath, his little heart stopped beating and we tried to revive him, the vet tried to, but no use. Life is so short, just early in the morning he was frolicking around the yard, got a lil sick but would still follow me everywhere around the house, then tragedy strikes he was just 3 months of age. I will miss my lil' furball, its my fault too you know, should have been there always. However, he will remain in my heart and my remaining dogs will forever be loved.
Name: LOUIE Home: Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines About Me: Oh! Moi! Hmm...How do I define thee? I guess I'm your average mild mannered regular hell-god hehe. Just a person trying live life with the most that I have and make the most of it as well. A soul who wants to proove himself and let others see the otherside of me, like the mystery of dark side of the moon, always there waiting for someone to gaze up and find it.However, I do pack a verbal wallop every now and then. I love listening to people and sharing my stories too, though it may look like I crave attention by doing so. But, the truth is I just want people to hear enough just in case I might strike a glimmer of inspiration or a sliver of advice with what I meant to impart on my oh so fabulous rant. Seriously, I love peace and serenity, a lazy day on a hammock, a dazzling sunset by the seaside or tea at the porch. Easy to please, expects less and very amiable. See my complete profile
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